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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Women's University in Africa

A private college is Women's University of Africa; it's founded in 2002 and allowed an agreement in 2004, by the Government of Zimbabwe. Its prime campus is place in Marondera, Eighty kilometers South East of Harare. It is now running from its 2nd campus in Harare at 2nd states. Women's University in Africa mission gives good training, research and service to the society to authorize students for guidance and cultural roles.
Women's University in Africa leads its core amounts which are:
  • Gender sensitive
  • Academic freedom
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Impartiality and variety
  • Social responsibility
  • Integrity and honesty
  • Clarity and responsibility
It seek to improve female's ability over the volume above education, which allow   no any gaps political, public and guidance roles. The college acknowledges the approval of female to be detracting for tenable democratic government, financial, development and improve well- being of the simple people. Only female's university is Women's University in Africa in the country set up to straight accouterment the complication of female's admission to university education. Its annulment eighty-five percent female and fifteen percent men, the popularity of whom are up twenty- five years of age, is trying to be excellent than classic way of acknowledging action. It is offering the almost fifty/fifty gender candidate ratio as recommended through the SADC code on common to address the historical socially in grained gender imbalance.

Vision and Mission
The WUA look for to be the more excellent the university in the higher position in organization of gender impartiality and equal convenience in third education.  

Core Values
  • Gender Sensitive
  • Academic Freedom
  • Integrity and Honesty
  • Equity and Diversity
  • Social Responsibility
  • Creativity and Innovation
Objectives of Women’s University in Africa
  • To provide opportunities of research and development in areas of vital concern to women in Africa.
  • To provide gender sensitive and socially responsible education.
  • To educate women and galvanize their endeavors.
  • To link the education of women to extreme need decline in Africa.
  • To growth the volume and feature of human resources and development for the improvement of the chaste of Africa.
  • To open up constant network to academic female on a worldwide scale.
  • To increase women’s involvement in decision making.
  • Which would strengthen the actual academic architecture and enrich the contents of their disciplines?
  • To increase and build quality and appropriate science and technology study.
Agriculture subjects
1.    Programmers currently running:
  • BSc Agribusiness Management
  • BSc Agriculture Honors in Horticulture
  • Diploma in Environmental Management
  • BSc Agriculture Honors in Animal Science

2.    New Programmers coming soon include:
  • BSc Agriculture Honors Degree in Meat Science and Dairy Technology
  • BSc Agricultural Education And Extension
  • MSc In Wildlife Management And Conservation
  • BSc Agricultural Economics
  • MSc Agribusiness Management and Development
  • MSc in Horticulture

Management & Entrepreneurial Development Studies & Information Systems 
 1. The normal duration of certificates and diploma programmers shall  be as follows:   
  • The undergraduate diploma programmers shall be 2nd academic years full-time or four academic years part-time.
  • The graduate diploma programmers shall be one academic year full-time or two academic years part-time.
  • The final year shall build on the experience gained by the student during the placement year. 
  • An academic year of study shall comprise two semesters and the structure of each programmer shall be determined by each Faculty.
2. The Management Faculty running the following diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees:
  • Bachelor of Science Honors Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
  • Bachelor of Science Honors Management and Entrepreneurial Development Studies
  • Executive Diploma in Management
  • Bachelor of Science Honors Information Systems
  • Bachelor of Science Honors Human Resource Management
 Social Sciences & Gender Development Studies
  • Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Development)
  • Bachelor of Education (Primary)
  • BSc (Honors) in Psychology

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